The Sound of Yoga by Erin Verhoef 4/17/24
Back when screens had rabbit ear antennae and were limited to 5 channels, a commercial laden version of The Sound of Music would air on TV once a year. In my childhood desperation to fully absorb all music, I learned the soundtrack by heart. There’s …
My Himalayan Journey – Victoria Stearns 4/4/2024
There is a long story to be told here, so I shall attempt to cut to the chase wherever possible. I first saw the HIB from the Delaware bus, on my way home from volunteering at the Theodore Roosevelt Site (I became a docent there …
What HIB Means to Me – Tracy Draksic 2/11/2024
When Rolf taught meditation, he would talk about our mantra as an ālambana, a Sanskrit word which means “anchor”. Venturing into that dark and mysterious place called mind, the mantra serves as a light and a guide – keeping the practitioner on track, preventing her …
Yoga on the Go – Tracy Draksic 8/6/2015
How to practice yoga every single day effortlessly! While still in bed in the morning: Symmetrical full body stretch Face massage Flex and point the toes, roll the ankles. While brushing your teeth: Put your heel on the counter or on the toilet seat to …